
A squint, sometimes called strabismus, is where the eyes point in different directions. It’s more frequent in young children, but can occur at any age. One of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down while the other eye focuses ahead.


What Is Squint?

Squint eye, also called as strabismus is an eye problem in which the eyes are improperly aligned. One eye turns upwards, downwards, inwards or outwards while the other eye is focusing in correct direction. This situation can happen all the time or at irregular intervals. This happens because the muscles which control the eye movements and eyelids and the extra ocular muscles do not work together. As a result, both eyes do not look at same spot and direction. It can also occur because of a dysfunction in the brain means that the eyes cannot accurately coordinate. Squint eye also makes binocular vision impossible; therefore it is harder for the person to comprehend depth perception. Squint treatment and squint surgery is possible and the eyes can go under squint correction treatments and procedures.

Squint Symptoms:

The most visible sign of squint eyes is when the eyes point in different directions. Nevertheless, there are more symptoms of squint eyes that are usually recognized in children, like:


Squinting with only one eye


Unsymmetrical points of reflection in each eye


Eyes which do not move together


Failure to gauge the depth


Tilting the head to one side

If you are child is seen having any of these signs of squint eye, it is always safe to see a doctor in order to prevent further complications. Squint surgery is not the only option. We will help you find out other squint treatment for squint correction.

What Causes Squint Eye?


It can be congenital, implying squint eye from birth.


It can be hereditary, or it might be running in the family or in genetics


Also, it can be a result of illness.


Squint eye can also occur because of lesion on the cranial nerve

If the eye is unable to focus on light when it comes through the lens, this issue is known as refractive error.
Other problems that can lead to squint eye include:


Astigmatism - where the cornea is not curved properly


Hypermetropia - long-sightedness


Myopia - short-sightedness

Types of Squints?

There are many different types of squints, which also includes the lazy eye. Early diagnosis of squints will facilitate more effective treatment. Squint eye can be treated at any time but treatment up to the age of 6 years is believed to be most effective. There are different types of squints. Squint treatment is possible for all.

The following terms describe squints by the positions of the eye:


Esotropia is when the eye turns inwards


Exotropia is when the eye turns outwards


Hypotropia is when the eye turns downwards


Hypertropia is when the eye turns upwards

Treatments of Squints

For Squint correction, the weakened muscles in the affected eye or eyes must be put to work. Numerous squint treatments may be used alone or in combination, depending on the type, severities, and cause of squint, like:

Glasses or Contact lenses: This squint eye treatment helps the people who have squint eyes because of an uncorrected farsightedness

Squint Surgery: Squint Correction can be done by a squint surgery which helps in straightening and realigning the muscles in the eyes. This squint eye treatment method has a very high success rate though it is quite expensive and it also involves risk than other alternatives.

Squint Correction Eye Drops: This Squint eye treatment works differently. These Squint Correction Eye Drops blurs out the vision of good eye temporarily to let the brain focus on squint eye to make it stronger.

Patching The Good Eye: Strengthening you weak eye is the best way for Squint Correction. Covering the better eye is always a good squint eye treatment.

Don’t worry you are in safe hands. If you observe any slightest symptoms of this eye problem, please see the doctor as soon as possible. It may cost your eye sight if ignored.