Behcets Disease
Behcet’s Disease, also called Silk Road Disease, is an autoimmune disease in which the blood vessels of your body get inflamed (a defense reaction of your body to any stimulus).
Behcets Disease:
What is Behcets Disease?
Behcet’s disease, commonly known as Silk Road disease, is an autoimmune condition in which the inflammation of the body’s blood vessels is the primary symptom (a defence reaction of your body to any stimulus).
Symptoms of Behcet’s Disease:
A group of four symptoms are commonly known to occur in this disease: Mouth ulcers, Genital Ulcers, Skin problems and Inflammation inside your eye. Your joints, digestive system and nervous system may also be affected. Inflammation inside your eyes can cause uveitis (uvea is the area around your pupil), retinitis (retina is the light-sensitive tissue in your eye) and iritis (iris is the coloured part of your eye).
Blurry vision
Sensitivity to light
Blindness may be seen sometimes when your retina does not get enough blood supply
Causes of Behcet’s Disease
What causes your own body’s cells to attack the blood vessels is not exactly known. People of Asian and Eastern Mediterranean origin are found to suffer more frequently. Men are affected more commonly than women and especially so during their 20s and 30s. Genetic factors combined with environmental factors like microbes are thought to play a role.
Tests for Behcet’s Disease Triad
Ophthalmoscopy (a test to see the back of your eye)
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (A test to see the blood vessels in your eye)
Duplex and color Doppler sonography may be useful
Skin tests (called Pathergy test), MRI Brain, GIT tests etc. may be required depending on the symptoms.
Treatment for Behcet’s Disease
This disease does not have a single, resolvable treatment option. Behcet’s illness, on the other hand, is treated with pharmaceuticals that aim to lessen the patient’s level of discomfort, bring the patient’s inflammation under control, and protect them from developing more serious consequences. Steroids, colchicine, and other medications are used to control the overactive immune system caused by the condition. It’s possible that you’ll get some steroid eye drops or maybe some steroid injections just near to your eye.
Likely outcome of Behcet’s Disease (Prognosis)
This Behcet syndrome triad is distinguished by its protracted course and recurrent manifestations. However, there is a possibility that there will be times when your condition will go into remission (your symptoms go away temporarily). The severity of your sickness could range anywhere from allowing you to lead a completely normal life to rendering you completely blind and severely crippled. Remission of the condition is necessary for the best chance of preventing further vision loss.